Friday, November 1, 2013

Pleasant Surprise

What's it mean to be a man today?  Does it mean you have to be strong and courageous?  Does it mean you have to be cool but sensitive?  These days man are portrayed in many different ways.  In todays media most times you see the father as this goofy Neanderthal.  The kind of guy who is so sure of himself only because he really isn't sure.  They say funny things and hit their heads on the counter from time to time but other than that they are just comic relief.  Women on the other hand are strong and stern.  They usually keep the house in order and keep the kids in check.  The roles of men and women have completely shifted when it comes to media.  It use to be that the father always knew best.  You could find Lucy at home doing something silly while Ricardo was at work.  In that time period than men seemed to be some perfect being.  He had a nice job and house.  His kids loved him and he always seemed to know how to handle any situation that rose up.  I think that kind of portrayal is more harmful than what we have today. It made women's expectation of men unrealistic.  That's not the way men are.  I would rather have a flawed figure representing me than something unrealistic.  In todays world, men have the advantage of being better than what media says they should be like so women get a pleasant surprise when they find their loves.

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