Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Not Edited
In this blog I’m going to briefly discuss what it’s been like acclimating to the life of a Twitter user. People were often surprised when I would tell them that I didn’t have a Twitter.  It was to the point that I often felt it was taboo to not have a Twitter by the way people acted. Often indirectly I would feel left out of situations. I would be with friends who would often start discussing something they saw through social media, or talk about something related to a post and I would be left out of the conversation.
            Going into Twitter I had a basic understanding of Twitter and it’s aspects. Hashtags, tagging people, retweets, and favoriting are all things that you can often hear in daily conversation due to Twitter becoming so engrained in our society. Now that I have had my Twitter for a little over a week though I am starting to understand it’s appeal and how it works on a deeper level. I may not be as big into as a lot of the people I know but I am starting to become a more comfortable user.
            The first thing I noticed was that it’s quite interesting to see people interact with each other a lot more than on Facebook and than I expected though. I also see peoples interests more often through what they share and post. For the first time in awhile this seems to be the first social media I’ve used that I will take the time to scroll through the wall and see what people are actually talking about.

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