Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Being an Icon vs. Riches

When faced with the question, would you rather be rich or given the chance to change the future, which would you choose? Now you are probably thinking that if you have the chance to change the world, wouldn't you get the opportunity to be rich? That could be an answer but is it the right one? People have this thought that if you make a ton of money, you will be at the heart of people's icons. Look at Oprah, I know she has an endless supply of money and most people view her as a symbolic icon. Why? She may be rich but she uses her money to help people. She gives back to people that are far less unfortunate. That's where you get to decide if you are able to be both.

After watching the sports video about Lebron today, it stated that he wanted to be an icon figure like Muhammed Ali but be rich at the same time. Muhammed was the figure where he didn't care about his money. He wanted people to know about his passion to fight civil rights and his own beliefs before his riches. That's where I think Lebron can't be both. Lebron may help out with charities and such but I don't think he can be in the same category as Muhammed. I feel that Lebron would be more worried about endorsement deals than other situations that need seeking. I believe that Muhammed has showed us that being an icon takes more than just having the money to change the world. He has the thought process to show us he is bigger than money, he is an icon. 

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