Wednesday, November 20, 2013

College Eating Lifestyle

My first two years of college I had a swipe so I got three meals a day breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So therefore I did not have to eat out as much. But soon as I moved off campus that changed tremendously because how busy I be with basketball and school. So when I get home it be late and I do not feel like cooking so I go get fast food because its quicker. After while eating fast food start adding up and takes alot of money away. But I soon realize that fast food is not good for me because I play basketball and its not healthy food for my body and also it takes a toll on my money. So now I have a budget when I go shopping, I shop for nice healthy meals that is good for my body and helps me with my nutrition with basketball. So I notice by going grocery shopping instead of eating out is much cheaper. I think this really something college students should take notice of because college students are more affected by this than anyone. So after watching the film in class I'm glad that I changed my eating habits because it has worked out for the better so I encourage everyone to take notice not just college students.

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