Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Facebook Pressure

 We spend our lives in a pressure cooker. We have to dress like this, talk like that, earn our diplomas before paying for degrees, we have to have the right friends and drive the right car to find the right job, and we have to marry Mr. or Mrs. Right. Furthermore living in this results driven culture-- we have to deliver. In fact some of us are stuck in the delivery rooms, we deliver at home, we deliver at school, we deliver at work, and we deliver to our friends, our family, and sometimes even ourselves. Because guys this isn’t life it’s Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, and Google-- we’re all LinkedIn to snap chat and it’s a good day to be dumb but a bad day to be sloppy. You can have off days in real world, and guess what—no one has to know.  But in virtual world where we get to be the master of our reality we have to be perfect. Otherwise you’re that guy. What guy you say? The guy who sucks at life. One wrong step, and your Justin Beaver [sic], and then you might as well just end it all. Now that corporation are intruding on our sort of public yet definitely private relationships, Myspace has becomes our resume, our friends our references, our family our credibility, and our post no longer a depiction of free expression that makes no sense, but a portfolio of our brilliance. It like dude, I know you weren’t up reading Plato’s republic at 2:30 in the morning you stole that quote from Good Reads. That the thing about our virtual selves they’re not required to know stuff, they just have to brief well. This superficial knowledge seeps into our real world at the place where our embellished and unembellished lives meld. The next thing you know you’re discussing Egyptology with one of those face book friends that you secretly despise, but pretend to like because you know all the same people. And suddenly you realize you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about because you’ve only read the first 20 pages of the book. Awkward.  Worse on Facebook with a point of reference you were an expert smh.   

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