Wednesday, November 20, 2013

All I Think About is Food

That isn't a joke. An exaggeration maybe, but not much of one if so. The majority of my day is spent talking about my next meal, and how unreasonably far apart they are forced to be because of my schedule. Unhealthy, healthy, delicacies, or soul food, I love it all. It is this love of all things edible that both makes me a part of while simultaneously alienating me from food culture.

Point 1: Better food.

Better food doesn't necessarily mean taste, but that usually comes hand in hand. Better food refers to ethical food. Free range chickens, grass fed cows, soybeans with pen pals, I'm not really sure. What I do know, is that ethical food are better for you. They are less likely to hold diseases, mutations, less atrophied, and I feel a little better about the fact their lives weren't terrible. It isn't really provable, but I feel like ethical foods taste better. "Happy cows make tasty cows" may not be a slogan yet, but I sure am trying.

Unethical foods on the other hand are cheaper. End of argument.

Winner: Better Foods

Point 2: Locally Grown

There is a huge moment to support locally grown food. Go to your local farmers market instead of corporations, and get a more family friendly vibe while you're there. I guess their crops taste better too, but I'm perfectly fine eating produce from Kroger. I will say that Amish homemade jam is pretty amazing though.

Winner: Tie (seriously, that jam is good.)

Point 3: Pictomeal!

This is where you really lose me. Why would you take a picture of your meal? Does everyone you know really need to see what you're about to eat? Are you an artist? Are you going to save it for later reflection? I just don't get it, and I've certainly never done it.

......Fine, I've done it. I have never taken pictures at a restaurant before though.

Winner: No pictures.

So some may classify me as a quasi-foodie. I prefer to think of myself as someone who has an unhealthy obsession with pizza, but then again I'm a romantic.

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