Friday, November 1, 2013


Today in class we talked about the way homosexuals are portrayed in the media.  I never knew Ellen had a show before her talk show.  Today I think she is like the spokesperson for all things lesbian at least she is the most visible lesbian I know.  So, she has a chance to change our heteronomity culture.  However, she won't change it.  This country ha sin God we trust on its currency. This means that our viewpoints on a lot of issues are heavily connected with the beliefs of the Judeo-Christian religion.  In society today statically the majority of the people in the world are heterosexual.  So, by definition to be homosexual is against the norm.  While I think heteronormity will never disappear I do believe that people are starting to be more knowledgeable and accepting about the topic.  There are several examples in the media of how what use to be taboo is becoming more and more common.  When I see a T.V. show and one of the characters is gay I still assume he's heterosexual but when I find out he's gay it is not a real shock.  The biggest example of this was brought up in class today.  There is an NBA player who has just come out of the close.  However the thing that is most different about this occurrence is that he didn't wait till his retirement to announce it. So, while it would be a stretch to say that heteronormity is starting to stop it is not so crazy to say that homosexuality isn't so bizarre anymore.

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