Monday, November 4, 2013

never acceptable

I feel like hate crimes and violence is never acceptable.  I know that every one comes from different backgrounds and has different perceptions of things but that will never give any one the right to abuse another person whether it be physically or verbally.  I know I don't agree with a lot of things but I would never torture another person based off of their beliefs, looks, or sexuality.  I think the article about Matthew Shepard pointed out a lot of key and important things but I also think it put emphasis that the brutality and the boys image is the only reason it received national recognition and the response that it did from people. I agree but at the same time I also think that is just how media is.  Media does not cover and broadcast every crime and murder that takes place no matter what the conditions or motive is behind it.  I'm disgusted with any type of murder or hate crime and if media or news outlooks covered every hate-crime that takes/took place I would be disgusted with all of them whether it was based off of race, culture, sexuality, or beliefs.  That case may have received more recognition because of the brutality and Shepard's image but I don't think it means that America would only be upset about that crime and not upset about a homosexual being shot at point blank range.  They still may be upset and appalled no matter what their beliefs.

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