Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mathew Shepard

Mathew Shepard was a 21 year old gay man lured from a bar and beaten to death while tied to a fence.  A biker found him the next day and Mathew soon died after 5 days in the hospital. This ordeal received a lot of attention in the media. But what I still do not understand is why people have to be so cruel in this world. I have zero problems with gays and the fact that people go out of their way just to hurt, abuse, and kill others because of their sexuality is beyond me. It’s now 2013 and believe it or not there are gay people in this world. I am not for gays nor against gays, I believe we as humans need to do what makes us happy and comfortable, because at the end of the day it is our lives and we only get one life to live so we better be happy doing it. The media was a big part in this case. If he would have just been shot in the head we would have never heard about it but because he was beaten and burned and laid in the hospital for 5 days we heard of it. There were candle lighting's and protest for gay rights but at the end of the day the prejudice and hate continued and no political change happened. I believe as days, months, and years go by people will get more use to people becoming gay or lesbian. It’s like in the early 1900’s and the African Americans, racism is something you are taught not born with. As time goes on I believe that gays will be more accepted in our culture and in time things like this will never happen again. 

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