Thursday, October 24, 2013

Princess Culture- young and old

It's funny, but the entire time in class that we were talking about princess culture and while I was reading about this phenomenon one huge thing that kept running through my head was how odd it is that even if we outgrow the princess culture "phase" or never even go through it, when it comes time to get married- the mentality that is so prevalent in this "phase" comes rushing back. And it isn't even limited to those who are getting married, it is spreading out to all the females who are old enough to be getting married or thinking about getting married or getting engaged. And yet, this stage of princess culture does not seem to get nearly as much attention, negative or otherwise, as the Toddlers and Tiaras stage does. Why is this? Is it that we find it normal for women to get a bit demanding and a bit ridiculous while planning their weddings? But if that is the case, then what does that say about our society is we accept the bridezilla as the norm and believe that that is just how it is going to be for everyone? And yes, I firmly believe that not everyone has that bridezilla side to them, but I do think that our society is showcasing the princess culture through tv shows and making it seem as though that is how people should be acting and thinking.
I know from my own personal experience and past that I went through a bit of a princess culture phase myself. But nothing like what you are probably thinking right now. No, instead mine was just about wearing pink and painting my room pink and dressing up as a princess for three Halloweens in a row. So I would say it was pretty tame and nothing too awful really. Especially when you consider that I have since painted my room three different colors not at all similar to pink and have given up being a princess for Halloween and only own one pink clothing item (a scarf). And now that I am getting older and nearing that time that people my age begin to settle down and I find myself watching more and more wedding related tv shows, I cannot help but notice how these shows are basically making it seem to be ok that there is a whole group of young women who feel as though they deserve expensive and nice things, that they can control everything and everyone, and best of all that they matter more than anyone else around. But what strikes me as so awful about this is that because we have the princess culture so well documented and normalized to a certain degree in Toddlers and Tiaras and now we have it shown through shows like Say Yes to the Dress, Bridezillas, Four Weddings, and the like that we might end up with a culture in which it is completely acceptable for girls to never leave the princess phase and instead live their entire lives being that narcissistic.

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