Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I like Disney and I don't care who knows

Here is a hard question? What is so wrong with Disney that everyone seems to destroy the image they are trying to present? They are a company and as a company their main job is to make money and lots of it. Should Disney really mind the princess image they are portraying. I would say that as a person who views businesses straight forward I want you to cut them some slack. If we look at this  Disney Princess Report we learn that in most cases Disney is trying to do a lot to portray a good message. They just fall short some times.

There are some problems with the Disney Princess line and everybody knows that. This article Girls on Film shows a pure example of how Disney has taken some steps forward in terms of improving the line. An example of this is the movie Brave but it has also taken steps backwards like redesigning Mulan and Pocahontas. As a brand name company they will never be able to please everyone that is the facts. The parents and others who happen to claim that the princess line just needs to end because it creates unrealistic expectations for young girls do not realize the amount of money Disney makes off of this brand and would quite frankly be crazy if they took it off the market. If these parents want real action the only way they are going to accomplish that tremendous feet is by getting people to stop and think before they buy the product.

Disney's Redesign for the princess line is a 4 billion dollar industry so how do you fix the problem.

Step 1 Don't blame the Company
Step 2 Stop buying from the Disney Princess Line
Step 3 Convince friends to not buy into it
Step 4 Don't succumb to peer pressure and buy clearly wrong interpretations of Feminism
Step 5 It wont make any money
Step 6 Disney removes it

Don't believe me read this Disney Probs

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