Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thrift Shop Shopping

This past weekend I decided I was going to go shopping as my reward for working so hard on my school work for the past few weeks. And saying that is my reward is saying a lot because I hate shopping. Literally, I hate shopping. And after this past lesson of hipsters and branding, I decided it was not my fault for hating shopping, but it was everyone else’s fault. I’m not trying to be the trendiest chick out there (all though up grading my middle school wardrobe to that of my current style would be nice), but people expect a certain look or you’re deemed weird, or lazy, or a goody goody, or hipster. I just want clothes cheap, not cheap clothes because I am not “homeless”, but clothes cheap that still tell my style. People expect a certain look and judge those of us who don’t have it. But aren't we all trying to be different? Not hipster, but different? So on Saturday I’m cruising through Goodwill on half off day, feeling pretty cool as Thrift Shop is rolling through my mind, and I was looking for moccasins that someone else has been walking in (legit, I went to Goodwill for some shoes). Anyway, I get to the shoe section and I am looking. And looking. And I find some shoes that I thought were cute. But then I was like: “wait. What are people going to think of me if they see my feet in these shoes?” So I put them back and I kept looking. But I really liked how different those brown suede boot shoe things looked, so I went back to them. I tried them on and they fit like a shoe. I wasn't sure if I was in love, so I talked to myself again… “Megan, don’t try to be too different than your current style. You like plain and simple shoes that don’t draw attention to you short but extremely wide foot. You really think you’re hipster enough for these shoes?” and then I was like “hold up. I am not hipster. I simply like how these shoes are different. Not hipster shoes, different.” So I said “I look fucking awesome” and I headed for the check out. They weren't 99 cents but I bought to two pairs of shoes for 4.50 so it was a pretty good day.
Relating this to our class, it really irks me how hipsters and branding is one giant circle that we all are forced to be a part of. Like Frank said, we are all poseurs. We buy the brands that are “in” while trying to have a style that is “out”. Like, what?? I like to believe I don’t conform to most social norms in fashion, I have my own style because I proudly shop at goodwill for the cheapest clothing possible and my favorite shirts have been those that my nana gave to from straight from her closet, but I am not trying to be a hipster. Or am I because I thrift shop and buy your grandpas hand-me-downs. I don’t know! It’s all one giant circle and I don’t like it. So there is my two cents Comm322. Anyone who ever wants to go to Goodwill, let me know and we can go be not hipsters together!

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