Friday, October 11, 2013

Children and war games

With out recent discussion on war in the media I wanted to blog about how children are affected by war games. I have 2 nephews, 9 and 5. My parents raise them (we won't go into detail with that.) My mom complains to me all the time that they are obsessed with guns. At first my parents tried to ban guns in our house. So no cowboys and Indians, no games with guns in them and differently no shooting your brother with an nerf gun. But it seemed like the more they couldn't have them the more they found other ways around it. Making little guns with their finger, rubber bands and just being violent in general.

So is it true? Boys will be boys or were they still affected by the media so much that they would do anything to play war games. This is a question that I can't answer. I am so confused by it, I was always a girly girl. I liked to dance and play princess so trying to figure out why boys are so obsessed with war challenges me.

Now my parents have back off on the gun rule. They have nerf guns and play shooting games on the xbox. Does that mean I think they are going to go out and kill people or one day join the army? I really have no clue. As I've learned in class and real life experience some people do take these games and propaganda so seriously that they do make life choices because of them. Others, just play them for the sake of playing.

I called my oldest nephew today (yes, he's 8 and has a phone.) I said, "Adian what do you want to be when you grow up." He said, "Probably, A farmer." The only he farmer he knows is his other aunts boyfriend. That means this man that he sees once a month has affected him so much that he is making decision because of him. So I guess I'm starting to learn that everything will effect your career choice, not just the media.

So after learning about all this gun stuff and boys all I have to say is, I hope I have a girl! just kidding... kind of

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