Saturday, October 26, 2013

Super Heroes Aren't So Super Anymore

When superheroes first appeared on our screens, they were helping the community, portraying a strong positive role model, and not hooking up with women just because they can.  Batman used to have Robin go get the Bat Mobile, but now Robin is out and Batman can call for it from his high tech watch.  Technology has changed the look superheroes have in today's movies.  Turning them from a warm hearted person that helped people, to someone that kills for vengeance, is very materialistic, and uses the superhero card to get the girl.  I don't know when it happened, but superheroes are not so super anymore.

Superman, Batman, and Tony Stark or Iron Man, and other prominent superheroes have evolved greatly in the last 50 years.  Superman used to wear tights and a cape with nothing else on but some red underwear he wore outside of his tights.  Now, he wears a bulletproof body suit that makes him appear even more intimidating than he was.  Why does a superhero have to appear intimidating if he or she is saving lives?  Batman is the icon of superhero change, he went from a guy in black tights and the highest technology he had was his walkie talkie watch he wore and his fists. Now, he drives million dollar cars, crashes his entire corporation just to fund the technology he uses to "fight" crime, and is known as a killer around town.  I would never want to be scared of my cities superhero but that is what Batman has turned in to.  The Bat Mobile went from a slick 60's car to a full on war machine that looks like it could be used in Iraq.  The Bat Mobile has a motor cycle that breaks off from it after the Bat Mobile is too damaged to drive.  Iron Man isn't even a super hero in my mind, rather a man with too much money that needs a hobby.  Tony Stark is a self centered narcissist that has no friends and too much money so he just becomes a superhero.  A superhero shouldn't be someone that has the newest technology and only saves people to boost his ego.  Back when superheroes were truly super, they saved people because they loved helping those in need and they had good hearts.  Money was never featured along with the superheroes but all of that has changed.  Without money, Batman would be nothing because he couldn't buy technology and without technology he is nothing.  Iron Man would not even be existent if he didn't use technology.  I think superheroes like Iron Man give rich ambitious  people the idea of they could be a superhero just because they have money.

Just because you have money doesn't make you a superhero or give you the right to be a superhero.  Kids shouldn't look up to people with big egos and even bigger wallets as superheroes. Kids should see a superhero as someone like Peter Parker and Spider Man.  He is a normal guy that has a good heart and the right morals.  He doesn't kill people because he is angry, he doesn't have a lot of money to fund his superhero activities, and that contributes to his good heart.  If all superheroes were portrayed like Spider Man then maybe kids could look at these new superheroes as role models, but I don't see a change for good coming in the near future.

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