Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why Do We Really Hate Hipsters?

While sitting here studying about hipsters, and what they are all about, I'm starting to wondering why so many people have this sort of vendetta against them. I mean, hipsters are just simply people who do not follow what is mainstream in the media and the fashion world. So why would we literally hate someone for just doing what they want to do? Who knows, these people you call hipsters just might not like what everyone else is doing, and they're doing their own thing, so isn't that what we should be looking after? I hear so many people say all the time about how weird and annoying hipsters are, but aren't you just worse for not accepting them?
I feel like the whole hipster verse the mainstream world feud is just a bunch of people who cannot agree on anything. But you simply can't just hate someone for doing what they like and want to do. For example, my best friend of over ten years, I would consider her a hipster, because of the music she listens to, the clothes she wears, and the way she acts. There are many instances where I could be talking about the newest Drake CD, but she had no idea and absolutely no interest in talking about that particular CD because she just doesn't pay attention to what is going on in current popular culture. BUT just because that is the way she is, it does not mean I'm going to sit here and bash on hipsters and talk about how insane and weird they are, because in reality, I think that we are all just weird in our own way.

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