Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Own Personal Cultures

     Discussing the princess culture ideas last week definitely opened my eyes up a bit. I started to notice young girls in my family, cousins and a few nieces etc who really displayed those traits of narcissism and the concept of entitlement. I even came to notice a few of those traits in female friends of my own age. But the biggest revelation that came to me was my own personal culture that I came to define as the cowboy culture and the quarterback/pointguard culture.
     Just like the idea of being obsessed with the pink and everything princess like, most young boys in my family and myself included don't pass the age of ten without getting a hat and gun holster fastened to their waste. You could have consider me a real life version of the character from Willy Wonka, Mike TV, constantly watching anything from Tombstone to Diehard, always shooting my fake gun at the bad guys on tv. Like the concepts of the superhero culture the cowboy culture I had developed made me aggressive and sometimes cut off from other things.
      When I got older and like most males, the cowboy identity  switched to the quarterback/pointguard identity. Admiring everything sports and cutting myself off from a lot of things, including schoolwork, and also giving me more of a cockier or "diva" attitude when it was time for football and basketball season.
       But now I feel like I don't really consider myself in any culture. Who's really to blame for this...Parents...The Media...The kids themselves? I don't really know, but the main thing I do know is, find what you like to do, do your best at it, and don't let anyone judge you for it.

Andrew Storey

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