Friday, October 4, 2013

Ghosts of Pasha Gig: Was it Cruel?

When listening this story of a group pretending to be fans of a band named Ghosts of Pasha, lots of opinions arose on whether it was a cruel joke or a favor to the band.

Looking through Lee's perspective (The agent who came up with the idea), it might come off as a nice gesture. But for the band members who are dying to have a real fan base, it was almost like a taste of something they might never have again.

For example: Let's say you are a professional basketball player. There is one game you dominate everyone and score every time you shoot. It's almost like they can't guard or block your shots, you are just too fast! You end the game with 53 points 23 assists and 14 blocks. You soon realize after the game it was rigged and the other team was told to lose. Your big crowd was there because they were payed to be there. It was all a big lie.

In my opinion, my hypothetical basketball scenario and the Ghosts of Pasha example are very similar. Just because you make a few extra dollars in the end does not cover the fact that your performance was fake. I feel that the lead guitarist felt cheated because of the fact that they were not "true fans" of his band. It was almost of lie of how good they felt they were, like like my basketball scenario.

On top of all that, they were later made fun of online to millions of people! Some people might argue at least it got the band name out there. Marketing tactics believe "all publicity is good publicity."

If you go to Google and Type in "Ghosts of Pasha," 3 out of the 5 first links are related to this Gag. This means the band will not be known for their music, but how they got fooled. Does this kind of publicity actually help the band? I don't think it does. They want to be taken seriously, have real fans, and live the regular band dream. I feel like this was ruined for them during this demonstration and some have the right to feel upset.

I feel many might have opposing thoughts to this statement, please respond with your thoughts and comments!

-David Cardimen

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