Saturday, September 7, 2013

Twitter Or Facebook Or Neither

    Lets for the sake of controversy say that the age of social media is falling not rising. Wait did I actually just utter those words inside the same sentence? Well in this article from  The Guardian we learn that Twitter may not be as hip as everyone seems to say it is. What could bring down an empire like Twitter? Well lets say that really the only thing that can bring down social media is social media itself.

    There are actually a lot of problems with free speech in America today. There are checks and balances and that fact that we can't step on anyone's toes or we have to answer to the media. What happens when all of the weirdo's realize there is a way to let there free speech be herd by millions and flock together to hear the same ideals that seem to tear at the fabric of society. Just as this article states it seems that through social media it may be a great tool for organizing all of our thoughts and ideas together but it can also be a tool for injustice allowing for racism, sexism,  and gender inequality all in one place available for any one and everyone who wants to see it. Trolling is a problem one that won't be fixed overnight or frankly ever. It allows for this acts to be committed in a way that seems wrong.

    Unfortunately, What happens when the business professionals, celebrities, and interesting normal people decide that they have had enough with doldrums of never ending blatant unprofessional remarks from America? They leave and no longer become active in Twitter. What does that mean? Twitter loses its appeal causing the fabric of Social Media to go up into smoke. Just like how Facebook just isn't quite Facebook with all the politics and things no one seems to care about anymore. It will soon be time for Twitter to follow in the mold whether it adapts and changes will however remain to be unseen.

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