Monday, September 23, 2013

A vicious cycle

So as we learned in class today we are all striving to be cool. This affects us often when choosing the clothes we wear. What style do we want to potray? What do we want people to think of us. Style is ever changing and always will be. Why? Because there is a vicious cycle in the clothing industry.

So the vicious cycle is basically what happens when a trend setter starts wearing something different to be, coincidently, different. There are 2 types of trend setters, celebrities and rebels. So for instance celebrities began wearing backless dresses to the VMA's and Grammys. It wasn't long before every girl had to have a backless dress or top. So in this case the celebrity was the trend setter and the cycle trickled down.
Vanessa Hudgens and long with many other celebs started this look. 

                                                     Then everyone had to have the "look"

In contrast the cycle can trickle up. Recently rebels began wearing high waisted shorts and band t-shirts to "stick it to the man." They wanted to be different and not play into what everyone else was wearing. That's when the cycle trickles up. Soon all the high schoolers start to rebel, then celebrities start conforming and wearing what is "cool."

So just a normal girl trying to be different and look homeless

                                        Olsen twins decided to accept the fashion and make it "fashionable" By the                                            way, we all know you paid hundreds for that ratty old shirt.

So basically this never ends. There are trend setters and there are followers and they will always be around. As soon as the followers start stealing the trend setters style they have to start something new. And since it is constantly trickle up and down the cycle never real stops.

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