Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dad's on FOX

Last week, Dads premiered on FOX. From the beginning I was hooked. I watched all the previews, I marked my calendar and cleared my schedule just so I can watch this show...well, let's just say I got a lot of homework done that night. The show was very offensive.

Now, I can take the jokes and the pokes with the best of them. I watch Family Guy and all those other shows that make people cringe, but this was insult after insult thrown at everyone. No one was safe. There were sexist jokes, age jokes, racist jokes, and much more.

I believe the Feminist Perspective can be applied quite effectively to this show. While a male dominated cast, gender roles are emphasized with stereotypes, specifically on women. There is a Mexican cleaning lady, an Asian co-worker, that dresses up in a Sailor Moon type outfit, and an attractive women married to a nerdy successful guy, who I am assuming is rich. The dads are interesting characters because they switch from being an uncaring father to a hovering "mother" figure.

While I get that it is a comedy, I find that they might not see the ratings they anticipated. Bad acting coupled with awkward puns and camera angles, leaves much to be desired. I watched the second episode to give it another shot, but I feel the show has lost the momentum  they had going for them.The episode is based off of pot brownies and using them to create a new video game (for their company) and then "accidentally" drugging their fathers.

All in all, the show is a stereotype filled half hour.

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