Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This Isn't Anne Frank's Diary... It's Twitter

Anne Frank wrote down all of her feelings, stories, and day-to- day adventures all in a book.  No restrictions on how much she could write per page or people bashing her ideas. She didn't have any followers, at the time or anyone that really knew she existed.  When her pencil broke or the day light ran out she had to stop writing and pick it up in the morning.  Just think if she had a smart phone with a twitter app when she was running and hiding from the Nazis.

   Twitter is treated like a personal diary for the individual that runs the account.  Twitter is one of the best venting tools in the world today, but no one likes the attention starved people that tweet every second of the day about the dumbest things. Honestly Twitter is quite amazing really, it's something so simple and people have made it into one of the biggest ego boost games ever made.  I mean honestly, why do we really tweet?  Do people really care if I am going for a run or if I just took a shower?  If Anne Frank had a twitter she would be blowing the twitter line up every few seconds with high intense stories of getting shot at, hiding in houses from death, and her family dying.  All the while we would think she's an attention whore and wants everyone to know about her exciting life while we sit on the couch eating take out Chinese food reading her tweets.  Then because she is so popular she will get the official blue check mark next to her name.  Her ego would blow up and then she would start raking in the followers and the amount of tweets per day would boost as well.  She would start to unfollow people because since she's famous she can't be following too many low profile tweeters.  With an ego that big you can't just hide your life away so she would probably start tweeting her location when she is," hitting up the local pond with her girls." Then she would be caught and killed and then we would never have the book, Diary of Anne Frank.   I wouldn't blame her for how she would act, it's a big job to manage such a high profile Twitter account and at such a young age would be even harder.  So let's be honest, maybe it was a good thing all she had was some paper and a pencil and not 4G Internet with an IPhone.

- Preston H

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