Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why Do We Need Honey Boo Boo?

Here comes Honey Boo Boo? I never knew who Honey Boo Boo was until my mom started talking about her. I never watched Toddlers & Tiaras so I never got a chance to see and fall in love with Honey Boo Boo and her "amazing" family. When my mom first showed me an episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo all I could think was why is this considered entertainment? Who really thought that this would be a show that can be positive and empowering to girls that are like Honey Boo Boo. Honestly I feel that Honey Boo Boo is a horrible show and it needs to be canceled. 
 No I am not hating on Honey Boo Boo and her "success" I just feel that her television show is a time filler for people that wants to get a laugh for 20 minutes. I do not watch Honey Boo Boo simply because I feel even let my television sit on TLC while this is playing they will mistake it for encouragement to record another season which I do not want that. 
 I never could grasp an understanding of show, why are we following a gross, ignorant family around watching them fart and act a fool in public? I believe that this show is only on air to make fun of people that live in the country and I highly doubt that country people are really like this. I believe that country people should be insulted that they would show a television series like this because it completely disrespects people that are country or live in rural areas.
 While online, I saw a video of Honey Boo Boo and her family being interview by Steve Harvey and I have the same reaction to them as he does. I'll post the link below!

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