Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Santa was preparing us for the American Fabrication

We are living in an age of disillusionment. Disillusionment with the American fabrication, disillusionment with the honorable politician,  disillusionment with trickle-down economics, and disillusionment with the televisual wonderland created to keep us doped up on sex, action, and rock and roll. I keep expecting something to happen, but I’m not sure what. I cried when I realized Santa was some old fart that my parents made up. I was angry, but not with them. They were just trying to make me happy by telling the same lie that their parents told them. How could I be mad at my grandparents-- they were just trying to make my parents happy by shoveling the same crap their parents told them. The origins of the Santa conspiracy is almost as ambiguous as the American Dream.  I wonder if this  period of disillusionment isn't so much a zeitgeist, but a part of the natural evolution of growing up. Our parents, friends, and teachers, are all selling us this dream, but much like losing our belief in Santa, one day we wake up and realize we've been sold 50 shades of crap. What should we do when we realize that our primary purpose is to work and consume. You could argue that our primary purpose is to find love and start a family. However, I argue that we're encourage to have kids, because it ties us to this system of consumption and produces the future consumers of America. Creators and producers are the architects of our reality. Because we have such little understanding of self we define ourselves with stuff. Ask someone to tell you about themselves? They'll tell you their favorite music, there favorite movies, their favorite book, their favorite food, their favorite TV show, and so on, but that's just crap we consume. What do you do when your tired of defining yourself with crap, when your tired of living as a tool for someone else's greatness? What do you do when you wake up and realize it's all bull shit, but can't bear to wear the mask of indifference or defeat? Do you rebel? Is it even possible to truly revolt against the machine, or was Burke right when he said we are slaves to our culture. I think Frank hit the nail on the head. We are the living embodiment of the conquest of cool, any deviation from the established norm are just anomalies built into the system, to catch the strays-- to suppress even the most miniscule forms of free thought.  Occupy and Anonymous  are supposed to represent the opposition, but lately they seem more like quasi rebellions created to placate and control public discontent.The fact that they petition government to express their god giving right to an opinion is is a testament to their desire to live within the system. When people revolt I assure you they do not seek permission. The good nature rebellion does not exist. 
Seems like no matter how much we rage against the machine in our youth, our ultimate socialization is inevitable. Life is like a pond with out ripples, nothing changes, we are all just expected to go with the flow. Ambiguous metaphor check. 
Maybe we should thank God for TV magic. Anything is possible on TV, and as long as we are focused on the fictionalized superhuman feats of man our attention is diverted from the miserable failures of mankind. I wonder if a revolution is even still possible. The way that corporation embrace teenage rebellion, begs the question, what other socially orchestrated rebellions have been quietly subverted by dominate social groups?  It appears that the dominate groups within society are no longer propelling as towards greater understanding. Instead of progress they’ve intentionally frozen us at a specific moment of cultural evolution, where we are ever on the cusp of rebellion, but in no real danger of a revolution. Is it possible that "that is" the objective? Perhaps the tension between race, gender, and class are allowed to exist to reinforce what Bell Hooks call a “white supremacist capitalist patriarchy” I know it sounds depressing, but really its not so bad, it's having it pointed out that sucks. Why bring it up when it will never change. So we lie. We lie to our children, we lie to our partners, and we lie to our selves, because the truth freaking sucks. So yes Santa is real and the American Dream is possible, and we are free, revolutions do still happen, and Justin Beaver [sic] is a nice guy. Right.

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