Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11:50 - Reflection on Social Media

Social Media is not activism in my opinion. Despite the very educated rambling a of Biz Stone I believe that he is wrong in this regard. Activism is defined as the process of using vigorous campaigning to impose political or social change. I would be hard pressed to find anytime that social media is referred to as vigorous. I love the internet and I have a very hard time taking anyone seriously on the internet. The internet at this point is so full of trolls that the process of sorting through the fake to find a real story is very tiring. In addition, the fact that it is now acceptable to just "like" something instead of actually talking about it. People find that just passing by something on Facebook is activism? That is not a cultural picture I want to be a part of. It will create a very sad and a very dumb world. I do not want to support a society that supports stagnation and no improvement.

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