Tuesday, November 12, 2013


The Princess Complex definition from Urban Dictionary- 
"An attitude fed to women by the media and other females that bestows upon them illusions of superiority and selfishness. Also brought on to many attractive females over time by means of many males who have ventured into the friend zone by catering to the respective female's every beck and call."

First off I just want to say how completely spot on this definition is. When we were discussing the princess complex is class I was torn back and forth within my self on whether I believed it was true or not. Yes, the emphasis of pink, barbies, and princesses are thrown at girls as soon as they come out of the womb, but to me I just couldn't understand how it could affect us as much as we were saying it did during class. The Toddlers & Tiaras clip that we watched during class on Mackenzie was definitely a dramatized version of the princess complex but it was 100% an example of it. The second I read this definition I a) laughed hysterically and b) thought to myself... "wow, this is actually 100% accurate!" As a female I feel that a man should always hold the door open, pay for dinner, be the bread winner, and do whatever they can for a woman. Now, I know not everyone will agree with me, that's totally cool I understand completely, but I think this way just because that is how I was raised. From television shows to how my father treats my mother, I got sucked up into this princess complex without even knowing it! This class has done an amazing job of opening up my eyes to how everyday things affect me so much without me even knowing it.

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