Sometimes I scroll through my twitter feed and wonder what the heck people are thinking when they tweet some of the things they do. Believe it or not, you ARE your social media page to the eye of a stranger. Do you want them to think that you're a good person? rude? positive and inspiring? It's up to you to create an image for yourself. I guess to each his own, but to me it's important to keep an honest, but positive representation of myself. That doesn't mean I want to make my life look fake by omitting the bad things that happen on a day to day basis. I just don't see the point in spreading negativity, when maybe someone has it worse than I do.
On a daily basis, I probably see a tweet saying "Annoyed" about 3 times. Yeah, I should probably unfollow them, because let's be real, a tweet reading annoyed is super annoying. However, some of them are my close friends and that's why I'm writing this, to vent behind their back (mahahah). I'm kidding but really, while you're tweeting about how annoyed you are because you got the wrong order at mcdonalds, someone is trying to figure out how they are going to get their next meal. Or while you're tweeting about how pissed you are that your dad didn't bring you home Starbucks like you asked, there could be someone reading that who would give anything to have their father back.
Share positive things and inspire others, because if you aren't you could be bringing others down.
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