Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kmart's Controversial Advertising

    Is it okay for large corporations to push the limits of what's appropriate in their marketing schemes? In recent commercials, Kmart has been incorporating what some might categorize as "crude humor" into their advertising, i.e. the "Ship My Pants" commercial. By using plays on words and inappropriate innuendos, they appeal to Steele and Redding's core American value of humor to attract customers and sell products.  While a lot of viewers are finding Kmart's marketing strategies to be rather offensive and unacceptable, I find the commercials to be hilarious.
     Their latest commercial for Joe Boxer seems to be stirring up more buzz than the last amongst viewers. It's called "Show Your Joe." The commercial opens with men ringing bells behind a white table. When the table is pulled away they reveal the men in their Joe Boxers jingling their... um, man parts. Many people are writing to Kmart telling them to take down the commercial. According to people are also writing on Kmarts Facebook page, calling the commercial "offensive" and disgusting." Kmart apologized to those offended by the commercial, but they aren't planning to take it down.
  With Kmart suffering to stay alive against competition department stores, such as Target and Walmart, they have to do something that is going to make a statement. I think this is a hilarious effective way to make their brand name viral and attract customers who appreciate a good laugh. Someone's always going to get offended no matter what, so I think it was a good risk. What do you think about the video?

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