Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Evolution of the Color Pink

Who exactly came up with the notion of making certain colors gender specific? I honestly have wondered this for a while. Who decided that pink is for girls and blue is for boys? In the article that we read called When Did Girls Start Wearing Pink?, I thought that it was very interesting that in 1918, an article said the complete opposite of what is said about the color today. It said that boys should wear pink because it is a stronger, more masculine color, and that girls should wear blue because it is a dainty, prettier color.

Why did it flip-flop for our generation? In my opinion, pink is definitely a feminine, daintier color but do I think that because of how society has portrayed the color to me? Also, why did neutral clothing go out of style? I have always liked to dress a little less feminine than the next girl but I am not sure why society has made that a weird thing to do. Actually, I remember when it was the cool thing to do for men to wear pink. I think I was in middle school when that fad came and went. But that does not explain why society has made color a gender specific thing.

The more I think about this, the more I believe that this is a product of our society’s doing. I agree with the article about how figuring out the sex of your baby early on has played a major role in this as well. If I knew the gender of my child months into the pregnancy than I would definitely be picking out baby stuff in the genders color. I just wonder what it would be like in a world where the color pink, long hair, and makeup was for men, and the color blue, short hair, and no makeup was for women. It would probably be very different, or would it be?

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