Sunday, November 10, 2013

Media's Effect on Reality

If you let TV tell the narrative, girls rule and boys drool. Media affects society through various generations by setting the standard of the “perfect” man or woman as well as who have control over various situations. The power of the media can be observed through Disney’s animated movies. For example, almost every Disney princess is in distress and needs a hero (Hercules, Snow White, Cinderella, etc…) to save them from an evil villain. If we were to flip the script, every man in America might have, at one point, thought that they could be a superhero (Batman, Iron Man, Superman, etc…). The entertainment industry feeds off of society’s imagination for profit. Bestseller book series become blockbuster action films due to our imaginations and dreams of the impossible. I believe that the entertainment industry targets the younger crowds because they are easy to influence. However, that doesn't mean that they don’t attempt to reach the adults through remaking childhood favorites. Whether it is horror films, reality TV, or comic book superheroes, Media’s effect on reality is always going to be important in any generation due to technology’s growth and different channels of access to today’s media outlets. If media has an agenda that is built to be carried out, the industry has little to no trouble with the task because of technology. I believe that every industry has its own politics. The entertainment industry is no different. From Jersey Shore to Captain America, people around the world are influenced and affected by the media.

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