Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reality Television is Bad but Really Entertaining

      Throughout our school career we have all been told how bad reality Television is for the generally viewing public but does anybody actual care? According to a study via Psychology Today  that concerned 239 people we learn that people don't just watch because it is popular or that the reality television audience is just not as smart as the normal viewer. Those two facts are a myth most people that watch reality television are smart. In this study, they found that the people who watch reality television are most concerned about their statues or how they can get ahead in the world. Reality shows all carry one very common trait that they involve some type of competition. It is extremely exciting to most people because we see people battle over something as simple as who gets the top bunk. 
     Reality Television can be a good thing. In 2009, the teenage pregnancy rate in the United States dropped to its lowest levels in 70 years. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy released a survey in 2010, in which 87 percent of teens who had watched MTV's "16 and Pregnant" felt the show educated them about becoming a parent at such a young age. Only 17 percent felt the show glamorized teen pregnancy. That is a far cry from the negative everyone thinks it represents. The average viewer would argue that "16 and Pregnant" encourages someone to go out and have a kid so they can be on television. How about diversity? Reality shows also reflect a more diverse nation. A 2008 report released by the NAACP said non-whites are underrepresented in almost every aspect of the television industry -- except for reality programming. It's not that reality shows are more racially or culturally sensitive. Frankly, mixing people of different races, genders, sexual orientation and cultures creates conflict, and conflict sells. Reality television in the end is all about making a lot of money. Mostly for the network but also the people inside a reality show can profit also. Honey Boo Boo Childs net worth is estimated to be around 300 thousand dollars and growing with every episode they receive 50,000 dollars now thats a lot of spaghetti. 

    Is Reality Television bad? Most certainly yes. However, it continues to make a lot of money from tons of different sources and as long as that continues it will be around and be as popular as ever. Lets look at the negatives of reality television but lets not forget the positives. Although they may be slim in number they around.

Click here for the worst reality T.V. shows to date!!!

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