Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Can't Afford the Gamer Lifestyle :(

I never can  afford to consider myself a gamer. I’ve tried the gamer lifestyle, I had a 10 day free trial of World of Warcraft, but once that was up I didn’t have the money to buy the full game. That is how I play games, I play the free trails but I have never found a game that I could afford as well as  was willing to spend my money on. I really like games and I do not judge gamers at all, I just believe that the gaming lifestyle is not for me one because I feel that I should do more productive things with my life but I only feel that way because I am broke and I can’t afford to keep up with the latest games so I would never be with the current games anyway.
When I do play games, I play the little games like Candy Crush, Temple Run, and Minion Rush so if you were to count those games as “gamer” worthy then I’m a huge gamer. But with that being said I have never spent for real money on these games they are free to download even though they do have features that you can pay for I just live without them. I also believe that I am not a true gamer because I wouldn’t say I give up on games but when they get old I don’t want to play them anymore which would make me mad especially if I paid money for the game.

Even though I do not consider myself a gamer I will say that I will play a game if I’m at someone’s house who is a gamer. I do not own a gaming system so I never play games but when I play someone’s game, I cherish it because I don’t know when I will get to play again. If someone who is going to buy the next big gaming system, please keep me in mind because I would mind a FREE hand-me-down system. 

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