Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Where Did These Housewives Come From?

Let’s try to keep a tally mark here! Think of all the housewife shows there are in the TV industry. We have all six “The Real Housewives” shows, and let’s not forget “Basketball Wives”, “Hip Hop Wives of Atlanta”, and probably some other house wife shows that I am missing (like space wives of Mars or something like that. Just joking). I believe that I am at the point that I have accepted the reality that these reality shows will keep coming on a global scale. In fact, there are already International house wife shows airing in different places such as Athens, there were shows airing in France, and now there will be a show in Melbourne. The housewife legacy seems to be thriving in many cultures for some reason. What is hard to figure out is why and how does this continue to happen?

What is it that keeps these reality shows going? It must be something in particular that viewers find appealing to keep watching such shows. I recall discussing in class the multiple reasons of why we like to watch reality TV shows of people. Many of these reasons include watching people be dumb with their money & then respond by our claims of being better, comparisons, ambition, and other various reasons. But why in particular is there a massive amount of house wife shows sharing the same theme? Is this another way of backing up women empowerment? 

I’m sure that there are many motives to the given outcome, but I feel like these kind of shows offer a bit of everything with an extra amount of drama. If you think about it, according to presentational zen, next to story telling is conflict as far as gaining human interest. We are so intrigued by hearing conflict happen between people or situations that we may not particularly be apart of. These shows are expected to have climatic battles between favorite characters in the show. This may not be the motive for directors to get their rating up (not my assumption), but I do feel like it could be a huge reason why.

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