Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Food Inc., One Month Later

I know the subject may seem a little dated, but after watching Food Inc., my perspective on fast food has completely changed, or so I thought.  To see if the documentary had actually had any affect on me, I took a look at the food purchases I’ve made in the past month.  I was both baffled and disgusted at what I saw; the frequency of how much I ate out had increased significantly.  How could I be so ignorant and inattentive towards the underlying message of Food Inc.?
                  As most of you know, a lot of the images and statistics relating to the production of fast food products were disturbing.  These figures proclaimed that only a handful of corporations were in control of the beef industry, as well as how it was manufactured.  It’s disgusting to think that such a small group of individuals are in charge of the food that millions of Americans eat each day.  Though the roots of this mass production of food were good in nature, it has now developed into a problem, or epidemic, if you will.  The issue behind this is that it is easier (and cheaper) to eat unhealthy food, instead of healthy and/or organic good, which is an atrocity for our society.
                  Back to this issue(s) at point: my disregard for my health (as well as my checking account!). Has the corporate system become so influential to me (as well as the rest of the country) to the point where I am blatantly ignoring the facts and potential health risks that accompany the greasy food that I habitually purchase?  Something needs to be changed so that we can financially maintain making organic meals, rather than just stopping by McDonalds after class for a large number #3 with a diet coke.

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