Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Irony Behind Princess Culture

Recently we learned about princess culture of the main components that entail it. Accordingly, the article that pertained to this topic was quick to denounce the sense of independence that is supposedly backed through Disney’s band of princesses.  Even if you didn’t read the article or are up to date on the topic, you need to ask yourself this: Is Disney really trying to turn these young girls into independent and self-sustaining women, or is this yet another marketing scheme to bring in more revenue?

The main aspect of princess culture that is being manipulated is independence.  While their movies have historically depicted princesses as being healthy, competent women that are able to function without anyone else, Disney has been able to keep their true goal under the radar for quite some time.  Though they are adamant towards promoting this sense of entitlement to young girls, they are mainly doing this for money, just as a business should.  While advocating this self-reliance, they are at the same time causing these young girls to ask their parents to purchase these brand name princess products.  This may just be my opinion, but I see a lot of irony in this.  In a way, these girls feel that the only way to truly be a capable woman is by being financially reliant on their parents.  Beginning to see the picture now?

To clear things up, the main “goal” of this culture is to encourage girls to be autonomous, yet the only way to do so is by relying on mommy and daddy to buy them these products.

But why have we been so willing to allow Disney to shape our daughters into commodity-obsessed fiends?  Should we let this continue to happen at the expense of innocent girls? This detrimental paradox will not only drain a parent’s bank account, but more importantly it will leave these naïve girls more dependent than before.  

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