Tuesday, November 19, 2013


In my opinion, twitter is one of the best social medias out there. For several different reasons. I love twitter because if I'm having a busy day and I don't have time to watch or read the news, I can easily pop up my twitter feed and see what is going on in the world. Twitter also allows me to keep up to date with all my friends and family and stay connected with them. I can tweet back at them throughout the day if I want and tell them what's going on with me. One of the main reasons why I love Twitter so much is because I get to follow celebrities. And sometimes they'll even tweet you back. A couple of weeks ago I tweeted Matt Overton, longsnapper for the Indianapolis Colts, to tell him about our Ball State Dance Marathon that I'm involved with because he's very involved with the Riley kids and immediately got a response. Another example is my freshman year I got the chance to meet and have a connection with Pamela Garner, weekend meteorologist for Channel 8, and after we met I immediately followed her on Twitter, tweeted at her and I got a response right back. Ever since she's followed me back, and we still tweet back and forth. It's such a great networking opportunity and a good way to acredidate yourself. It's crazy how well it connects people and allows you to talk to certain people. Twitter is one of the fastest ways to communicate. If my phone is dead and I need a ride home from class, I'll simply get out my laptop or iPad and tweet one of my friends/roommates and ask them for a ride. It's so quick and easy. I prefer Twitter over Facebook any day.    

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