Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Not only a game

On Monday in class we started watching a movie and it was mostly about sports which let me tell you I love sports which most girls don’t. First off when I was in High School I was a three sport athlete all four years playing soccer, basketball, and running track. The guy in this video talks about how masculinity is shown all over in sports especially in football. Football shows men that they should be tough no matter what. If they are injured they need to get up and play through the pain. What does this show men? It shows them that they can’t ever be weak that no matter how much pain they are going through they need to suck it up or people will think that they are a girl. Which I kind of take to defense because saying that means that girls are always weak when it comes to pain. Myself being an athlete I have played through pain (all of my toes broken). This is said all over in sports that if someone has a bad game or gets hurt and doesn’t get up then automatically they are a girl. I think people need to stop looking down at girls especially in the sports world. Like it said in the video that back then women sports used to be all over the television and now you barley see any women sports unless they are in a bikini. The point to all of this sports shouldn’t degrade men and make fun of them if they get hurt or have a bad game nor should girls be degraded.

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