Saturday, November 9, 2013

Why study popular culture

There are tons of great educational and socially applicable courses offered here at Ball State University, so why should you choose Communications and Popular Culture? Over the last twelve weeks I have acquired enough knowledge to answer that question. I think that popular culture is a very important topic to study because it is the most familiar form of culture to our generation and it is important to be aware of its intensions, messages, hidden meanings, effects and ideals. Popular culture, media, rhetoric, social media, technology, advertising, culture jamming, the effects media has on society, how to analyze texts, princess culture, culture and food, media framing, and reality TV are all familiar topics and they are all important aspects of our everyday lives. Before taking COMM 322 I was completely naïve to the motives behind social media and the alarming amount of advertising and branding associated with popular culture and the media.  This class is very appropriate for us young adults (and everyone for that matter) because many of us are unaware of all the unseen aspects of popular culture. This class has opened my eyes to the political, corporate, and economic characteristics of popular culture and media. For example, the use of branding and advertising is often overlooked but once you are informed of its surplus you will realize how much more there is to, lets say, your Facebook page. It is almost creepy how customized advertising is on individual’s news feed. Facebook will post advertisements that apply to your interest and the companies will work to engrave their brand into your life for future profit. There are several aspects of popular culture, social media and reality TV that I have found shocking and very informative while in this class. The motives behind Disney and its princess concept was mind bottling at first, I had never noticed the powerful messages girls and boys are being exposed to on television. The unrealistic standards of beauty and fortune are promoting a hyper-real reality to the public and this can harmful to the impressionable teenagers, young adults and especially, children in our society.
Being aware of the hidden messages and the deeper meanings within the nature of popular culture and media can be very helpful in your every day life. By being more aware of the use of advertising and the effects branding and princess/superhero culture (for example) has on kids will be lessons you carry with you all your life.  

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