Monday, November 11, 2013

When Princess Culture Meets "Reality TV"

The only thing worse than the Princess Culture is when the Princess Culture meets Reality TV. Although there are already shows that present these two topics together like Toddlers and Tiaras, there is an even better example of these portrayals. Saturday Night Live did a performance on the show a couple years ago named "The Real Housewives of Disney". In this video they have combined what we have talked about with the Princess Culture and Reality TV into one extremely accurate portrayal of these two topics. Even though this video is not real, it shows the most extreme version of both of these popular culture issues. Here is the video from SNL.

In the video, they portray these "housewives" as uptight, entitled, and downright selfish, grown up princesses. We can then assume that they were a part and still are a part of the Princess Culture and that is why they act the way that they act. The women in the "Real Housewives" shows on television have a lot of the same personalities and characteristics as the princess culture as well. They all feel entitled whether it is because of money or the social class in their society. This would obviously be the negative part of Princess Culture which was focused on in class. There is an entire positive side of the princess culture as well. The entire video focuses on the negative aspects of both of these "cultures" and plays off of the other Real Housewives shows. It really shows how ridiculous these things are but also how engrossed we are by these television shows. It is really just making fun of the whole system and how it works. 

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