Friday, November 8, 2013

What The Word "Gay" Means To Me

Over the past few weeks, our class has been discussing the T.V. culture and defining what it is in Pop Culture. From Ellen to Honey Boo Boo and so on. But the Gay topic has really taken off in culture during the last decade. Personally, I don't have any problem with the LGBT community or their beliefs. I have associates I know that are gay or lesbian and even best friends. I don't feel affected by their choices or decisions because I let people know my sexual orientation upfront and they let me know theirs as well. I don't like how society has tried their hardest to keep the LGBT community from being able to legally get married across different states within our country. It's not a secret anymore in 2013. People are not hiding in the closet as much anymore. As a heterosexual man I respect the honesty more because I don't want a woman that I'm with to hide her sexual interest from me. I believe that society was harming itself when people kept their sexual orientation a secret. Now that the world is slowly accepting same sex relationships, I see more people happy to be themselves and be honest with their partners than haters who want to stop their LGBT movement from worldwide acceptance.  At the end of the day, America was built on democracy and freedom of beliefs, so to try and take away gay rights would not only be unconstitutional, but simply unfair to people who deserve to be treated equally.

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