Friday, November 8, 2013

Are weddings really that interesting?

Back when I was a kid when I heard the word marriage I always thought of the ending of a Disney movie (surprise.) The beautiful princess and prince get their happily ever after and ride off into the sunset in wedded bliss never to see any marital problems ever. I've had my time to talk about Disney and how damaging their media can be, however I'm actually going to praise Disney for one second here. Disney presents marriage as this beautiful thing two people get to enjoy after overcome their personal struggles. I mean sometimes it may be an evil queen, or dragon, but to be fair at the end it's still seen a reward that you work hard for. While I think that instilling the idea of marriage in little girls is kind of creepy, I do think that giving them an overall positive and innocent view of marriage and love can be a great thing. Especially when you compare it to how reality shows portray marriage.

Honestly, it's can of crazy how many wedding reality shows that are on air, or have been on T.V. at some point. I googled, "how many wedding reality shows are on T.V.?" thinking that there may be 10, or 12 in total. There have been around 33 reality shows based on, or around weddings. That is insane. I would like to point out that unlike these weddings are idealized almost as much as Disney wedding, but in a different way. These shows are all out that blow out big fat wedding. The fact that the average cost of a wedding is on the rise in this country can be directly blamed on these shows. The give this false sense of what is a "normal" wedding.

Most, or all of these shows have an insane price tag that viewers don't realize. The average cost of a wedding in the United States is about 24,000 dollars and raising. And can you really be surprised at the raising cost when most of the weddings featured on television cost probably around 60,000 dollars? While Disney has it's problems with raising children's idea o what love and marriage is these reality shows raise expectations as to how lavish a wedding can be. I'm not surprised that more marriages end in divorce now. Before the couple even tie the know they're already under a huge financial burden.

Reality shows are not true to reality, and having these shows that are based on marriage and even dating is so damaging to couples of all genders and orientations. While they may all seem fun and happy in the moment they do give off a strong message of bad finances and terrible behaviors for brides and grooms. I thought the whole point of a wedding was a bonding of love not to over spend.  

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