Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Reality TV

I have never really watched Honey Boo Boo, but seeing the clips still makes me wonder why people still watch this show? Is it because it’s so interesting to watch people we see as lower class? The TV producers’ makes the family look like this by showing the kind of house they live in and how they dress. Also they portray them as crude southern people who talk about their feet smelling and subtitles are on the screen to help people understand what the family is staying which portrays the family as being not smart enough to understand. In reality this family is not poor at all and has been putting some of the money that they are making into college funds for their children. The other reality TV show that was talked about last week was Duck Dynasty and the “Real” Housewives. The “Real” Housewives show I can understand somewhat why people watch it because they have lots of drama and money. But what they show never show is how do they make all this money or do they just spend all the money that their husbands make? The producers seem to get how people want to see how the rich people live and all the drama. Honestly, I don’t see a point to this show and watching it. The last TV show that was talked about last week was Duck Dynasty which this show kind of is portrayed the same in some ways as Honey Boo Boo. This show portrays the family as being rednecks by showing them making a pool in the back of a truck to cool off from the hot summer heat, and by swimming in a pond as well. The show never really shows them working in the office only for a little bit. But having some shots in the office goes to show that they are educated to be running a million dollar business, which even one of the man people in the show actually did go to college and has a BA degree. I think that as Americans we are always going to be fascinated with reality television shows no matter how ridiculous some are.   

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