Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Closed Open-Mind

Let me just preface this post by saying that I may offend some people here. But, as you read down, hopefully you can use the reasoning I present back toward my own opinions.

I am a Christian. This four-worded statement probably puts a lot of people off already. But just hear me out before you immediately discredit my words.

I am not the conventional Christian, as would be the average American's idea of Christianity. Rightfully so, Christianity has become viewed as a very exclusive, closed-minded group who's always right.

In recent weeks, there's been a lot of talk about gay marriage in the class. So, because I'm a Christian, you would assume that I am against it, right?


Yes, it is in my beliefs that gay marriage is wrong. But it is also in my beliefs that there is no one who is faultless, and nobody has the right to judge. With that said, who are we, or the government, to say that one person cannot legally love another? Who is to say what love is and what isn't?

As a government, stating that gay marriage is illegal is completely overstepping our boundaries. Now granted, I am judged by others for my view, as it is not the "popular" view of Christianity. But if my religion teaches not to judge and unconditional love, I would be just as bad as anyone else to not extend both of those courtesies to others.

Alright, fire away. I'm sure I'll catch some flak for this one...

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