Wednesday, November 6, 2013

#Ironic #Funny #Hashtag #WeCantStop

Hashtags are everywhere in today’s social media. People use hashtags to start having something trend which means a general direction in which something is chaining, or can search for the hashtag and get a set of messages that contain it, or people use hashtags ironically. Hash tags are supposed to stay on social media like Twitter, Instagram, Vine, and even Facebook now is getting apart of the hashtag phenomenon.
This clip with Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake shows how we are starting to over use hashtags in our society. We are not simply using hashtags just in social media any more it is now a common slang word in our everyday language. This clip represents how people abuse hashtags, which is something we touched base on in our class discussions.
Like we have discussed in class there are some unwritten rules in social media, and the over use of hashtags is definitely one of them. #When #You #See #This #On #One #Tweet #It #Gets #Super #Annoying. Which in the is clip illustrates a great example of how people are abusing hashtags. In the end of the clip after Jimmy Fallon and Justine Timberlake obnoxiously use hash tags while they banter back and forth, someone walks in and aggressively and tells them to shut up! This shows the anger people get when people abuse their “hashtag privileges.”
This clip also represents the comic relief we us as a society. And why we use hashtags ironically because since people over use hashtags now we have something to make fun of. When Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake created this skit it was to show how we could ironically use hash tags and make it funny entertainment. As well as showing a great demonstration of how the internet and hashtags can lead us to have one thought to have another thought and then creates three more thoughts about something you were thinking earlier. 

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