Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Video Games

In todays world video games plays a big role somewhat like social media does.Years back there was not my video game fanatic like they are today. For example when I was younger all me my friends and cousins did was go out side to the playground or play basketball. Do not get me wrong we did play video games 5-10 percent of the time but our main focus was going outside first. But as I got older I became more of a gamer because of the video system and how the graphic of the games was based of real life. And that how I became a gamer because before then it was hard for me to sit still and play the game because I got bored fast. But now I have little cousins keeping up to date with video games more than me and actually some of them are better than me in some games because thats all young kids/teenagers want to do. By making video games so realistic now attracts people to buy them more and play them 24/7. I would consider myself as a part time gamer because I can stop playing and do other things but for some people it is really hard for them to stop playing games because of several reason I think are it probably puts them at freedom when they playing the game and maybe it helps them in their everyday life. But video games are definitely taking over the our society just life social media.

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