Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Video Games

It is interesting how integrated our culture is with video games. I do not think that video games have a very positive and profound influence for real life. I see them as solely entertainment. The impact that video games are supposed to have is overplayed. Video games are about escaping and trying to make a video that solves world problems would be hard. The video showed in class states that we can solve problems like poverty, climate change, and obesity. I disagree with this idea. Just because the emotions of an “epic win” affect a gamer, does not mean that gamer is truly empowered. The face of an “epic win” for solving world problems is a good idea but it is simply escaping reality and not solving any problems. Video gamers are better in games than in real life. The best version of someone’s self should not be within an imaginary world. The best version of you should be in the real world in real life. The idea of escapism proves that people are trying to escape reality and not change it. I would agree that video games encourage collaboration and confidence, however, it is a false sense. The games make gamers feel like the are getting "epic wins", when it reality they are doing nothing. The video claimed that failure in video games leads to gamers trying again and eventually succeeding. I think we should face failure in real life and get back on the horse in real life. That is how real change for the world can be achieved, not through some gamer’s alter ego.

I do not think her comparison of school and alternative education of video games is legit. Saying gamers are receiving a different path of education as well as education through school is not believable. It goes back to why gamers play video games-for the use of escapism. Overall, video games are simply of form of entertainment and escaping. I feel like gamers only change the virtual world and the real world. 

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