Wednesday, November 20, 2013

There Is No Logical Reason…...

For this last blog I decided to do something different. I don't mean to make people angry or stir anything up with this, but it's something that I feel somewhat strongly about.

"There Is No Logical Reason Why The Camel Of Great Art Should Pass Through The Needle Of Mob Intelligence?". 

I want this quote on a shirt so bad because it sums up my ideas any time someone condemns a show or movie or anything because it doesn't pass the bechdel test or any other made up form of quantifying how "inclusive" a piece of art is. I am all for equality and the idea that people should be able to find something that is representative of them in the canon of popular media, but there is always a part of me that says "Art shouldn't be held up to any test other than how it makes you feel or whether it accomplishes the goal of the artist". Hollywood is definitely overly fascinated by grizzly white dudes saving people, but if that is what the director/writer/creative team wants, then that is the movie they should make. If the consumer doesn't want to see that stereotype, then they don't have to see the movie. We live in a world where we have access to movies of all kinds from the biggest blockbusters to the student film projects posted on social media sites. So there are films made by and made about all types of people that  you can support. It's the same thing that happens when I hear people complaining about pop music, if you start buying other music and supporting independent artists, the industry will rise up to meet those needs. Our pop culture machine will scoop up anything that will make money, so if films by non white men start making money and making waves, the industry will follow suit. Trying to force artist's visions to meet a series of checklists to be progressive or inclusive kills the creative process. It makes movies more about meeting these guidelines instead of putting something forth that is artistically solid.

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