Friday, November 8, 2013

The truth is we just don't care

In these last couple of days of talking about class and reality T.V., people have given their reasons as to why they do or don't like shows like Honey Boo Boo, Real Housewives and Duck Dynasty. Whether we do or don't approve of what these reality stars are doing, we watch these shows regardless and justify it with various reasons.

I think we ultimately don't really care how immoral, selfish, or weird these people's behavior is. A line that has really stuck with me is from our We are all "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" reading:
"Something or another is burning down, and regardless of what, if anything, gets built to replace it, we probably don't really give a damn anymore, and the view from here is nice, anyway."
If we don't approve of the Honey Boo Boos and Real Housewives of the world, we watch the show anyway because it 1) gives examples that support our belief that these are not good people and 2) make us think that we are better. 

So what if Honey Boo Boo's family acts trashy or ignorant? So what if the families of Duck Dynasty and Real Housewives spend money excessively?

They are them and we are us. If the cameras were put on us, we surely wouldn't act the way they do. And as we reassure ourselves that we are much better people than them, we continue watching these reality stars go about their lives because we truly just don't care.

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