Thursday, November 7, 2013

"That's so gay"

     Ever since I was a little girl I can remember hearing the term "gay" used as a derogatory adjective for labeling some of the most trivial objects, such as a shirt or someone's hairstyle. This reminded me of the above commercial with Hilary Duff that came out back when I was in high school. I was guilty of using the term "gay" in the same way the girls in the video were, but this video, as well as some other press Hilary Duff did on the subject, showed me just how inconsiderate it is. I thought that by this point in time we would all be aware of the harmful affects this can have on not only homosexual people, but their families and friends as well. I was wrong. I still manage to hear the term dropped quite frequently, and I think it's really important for us to speak up to those who choose to use the term with such ignorance. Saying "that's so gay" could push someone who is perhaps struggling with a lack of acceptance over the edge. How would you like be the one responsible for that?
     I think that this ad does a really great job of addressing the issue and putting it into perspective. The humor is also really effective in lightening up the heaviness of the subject. Although it's a little bit corny, I highly suggest watching the advert. Casting Hilary Duff for the part at that time was a very smart move because she was a very popular actor adored by a lot of younger girls, which this is obviously targeted towards. If your childhood idol tells you not to say something, of course you're going to listen. I think it's really important to watch what we say, as well as let others know when something they say could be offensive, even if we are in college!

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