I found the video that we watched on Monday absolutely fascinating. I had no idea just how political our nation’s sports organizations were! Especially the NFL. The interesting part of this to me is that the coaches and the players have absolutely nothing to do with the politics that go on behind the scenes. They actually have little to no control, unless you are a “franchise player,” then you might pull a little weight. I always had an idea that there was someone pulling the strings behind these professional sports organizations, but this video that we watched on Monday, really solidified this idea for me. The perfect example of this scenario, was the integrating of militarism in the NFL. The video displayed a scene from Fox’s NFL pregame show, and all of the anchors were dressed head-to-toe in camouflage. Although, this is a great recruitment strategy for our various military branches, it is still manipulation. We learned earlier in class that our military uses various forms of simulations to recruit our nation’s youth. The “Citizen Soldier” is a great example. I have just come to terms with that we will always be exposed to war, whether that be in video game, or sports. It is quite difficult watch any NFL game nowadays, without seeing a commercial with the phrase, “the NFL supports (insert branch of military).” This is probably because so many people associate the NFL with this this war idea. They definitely correlate. It is is that whole macho, manly idea that the most manliest men either play sports or apart of the military. Anyway, this video really shed a lot of light on a really pressing issue.
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