Friday, November 8, 2013

Polluting the American Dream

The “Real Housewives of New Jersey” and shows like it, are polluting the American Dream. Why is America, when faced with a recession tuning in to watch wealthy people using their wealth in disgusting ways? I think it’s interesting that “real housewives” is a relative term. Not many real housewives live like any of these people. There are views that it is aspiration for people to watch these shows. I do not like the idea that this is something to aspire to be. How corrupt are we to desire to watch wealthy people spew their wealth in disgusting ways?  I also don’t like the idea of someone living vicariously through these shows. I wonder how successful the shows would be if they were donating all of their money to people in need. There is a disgust that is felt with ourselves, our government, and the reckless way we treat money according to the article. I like how the article talks about the “American Dream” and how the word dream could be replaced with delusion. Shows like “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” demonstrate how contorted the “American Dream” has become. Overall, the article shed some light on the darkness that shows like “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” have become. It seems that the reality shows today reveal what our character has become as a society. That character is one that exploits money and disrupts the true American dream. The reality shows like “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” have sparked a catalyst that has pushed our culture to placed we don’t want to go. 

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